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The Art Intention Setting

The Art Intention Setting

Manifesting your desires through intention setting and meditation can be a powerful tool for creating the life you want. With patience, dedication, and a positive mindset, you can attract abundance and happiness into your life.

Live with Ease through Mindful Meditation

Live with Ease through Mindful Meditation

Living in the present moment can be challenging, but through mindful meditation, it can become easier. With practice, we can learn to embrace the present and let go of worries about the future or regrets about the past. By living in the present, we can experience greater peace, happiness, and fulfillment.

The Power of Prana

The Power of Prana

One way to deepen your meditation practice is to focus on the power of prana. By learning to work with prana, you can elevate your meditation practice and experience greater spiritual insights and inner peace. I would like to explore some simple yet powerful techniques for tapping into the power of prana and enhancing your meditation practice.

My Projects


"Loving-kindness meditation is a method to develop compassion, it's a method of healing, of breaking down barriers in our hearts. We develop this quality for the purpose of being able to extend it to all living beings at all times, unconditionally."Sharon Salzberg
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